Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Good Start

I actually started yesterday (April 20), weighed myself and started my workouts. The workout part was simple because I semi-regularly take my friend and co-worker's Reaction Cycling class on Tuesday mornings. I was already signed up for it (have to sign up early or you WON'T get a bike-it's that popular!)
I say it was simple, but it was not easy!!! 40 minutes of intense cardio, with Damon pushing us to do our best. We all know each other in the class and push each other, too.

I stupidly, going full on with the "diet plan" took a fat-burner before the class, too.

Tip: Fat-burners are stimulants! And they increase your heart rate! So if you take one before a cardio class, your heart rate can get uncomfortably high.

I had to stop several times to catch my breath.

Weight today: 174.8 lbs! (Wow, I've already lost .4 lbs!!!!) Of course I know that our weight fluctuates daily, but that drop is motivating, and I'm claiming it!!!

My workout today was just strength training. I did a total body workout, with supersets (two exercises for the same body part, back-to-back), and mini circuits.
Here's the basics:
2 leg exercises followed by 2 chest exercises, then repeat.
2 shoulder exercises followed by 2 back exercises and 1 abdominal exercise, then repeat.
2 triceps exercises followed by another abdominal exercise, then repeat.

Hold a push-up position. That's it!
Be on your toes (no knees here!) Make sure your body is straight from your head to your toes (your behind isn't lifted). Make sure your hands are directly underneath your shoulders.
Keep your abdominal muscles drawn in and tight, and tighten up your legs as well (especially the quadriceps.) And KEEP BREATHING!
Hold for up to 30 seconds. Rest and repeat.
This is great for the ABs, the back, and the shoulders.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Goal Setting

The problem with setting goals is they're supposed to be SMART! Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and within a certain Time. And the problem with setting weight loss goals is that in order to make them specific and measurable...etc., I'll have to get a starting point. THAT MEANS WEIGHING MYSELF! Which I've been avoiding for some time.

I know I'm bigger. I know my clothes don't fit. And I had to go Buy black pants two weeks ago to wear to my Gramma's memorial service. I know that my legs are looking kind of flabby.

But I'm still reluctant to look at the scale. I know I'm heavier than I have ever been.
But here goes...
My weight is 175.2 pounds and my Body Fat is 41.7%. (That was yesterday).
Yikes! It's higher than I thought.

But now I can make some goals.
I will lose 3 lbs by April 30.
Then 10 lbs in May.
Then another 2 by June 7, when I'm going to see U2!!! (My goal is to wear my black jeans, which I haven't worn in about 8 months).
So total weight loss from now until June 7 is 15 lbs.
That's a SMART goal.

Of course, weight isn't the only indicator of health or fitness, so it's not my only goal.
Also, by June 7, I will be down to 38% body fat.
And be able to run (jog, really) 2 miles. (That one is pretty aggressive for me, running is VERY hard for me, but I like being able to do it.)

Down To Me

It's all down to me.
There's a lot in my life I can't control...I can bead all day, and list all day, but may not sell anything for weeks; I can be at the gym all day, but may not set appointments; I can train all day, but may not sell any packages.

My health, my fitness, my weight, is something I can control.

And my goal is to get back DOWN TO ME. Back to a normal weight for me. Back to normal eating habits. Back to ME.

I am a personal trainer. I was in great shape a few short years ago. I got a little more busy, a little more lazy, and in the past year, a lot more depressed. Well, I'm on anti-depressants now, and talking to a counselor, so I'm actually starting to care about my weight again. So, with the counselor's ok, I'm setting goals.

First of all, be aware that when I say weight, I don't necessarily mean scale weight. I will be tracking that because it's easy, but I'll also be looking at body fat (I'll be using a scale that I have, which I know isn't accurate, but it'll give me numbers relative to my starting numbers). I'll also track my measurements (not sure I'll be sharing those, however:)

But you don't want to just hear about me. I am a trainer, after all. I am going to share the programs I use, the supplements and strategies, the successes and failures, the workouts. And I'll share tips and nutrition info too.

So here we go.....