Saturday, April 2, 2011

Diet Failure, part 2

After I weighed myself, and saw that I'd gained all my weight back, I got right back on the diet. I also was determined to weigh myself every day, not just when I'd done well.
So, I ate well...salads, green beans, chicken, eggs, and chili that I made last week. And I lost a little weight, slowly, but surely.

Then, on Wednesday evening, I was tired, hungry, driving home from training my clients, and HAD TO go to Taco Bell on the way home. I didn't have any chicken cooked, I'd run out of lettuce, I didn't want to take the time...all kinds of ways of saying "I want it, I'm gonna get it". (And Taco Bell because it's cheaper. But it's not cheaper if you buy four things, and a Frutista). At least this time, it wasn't a three day binge, like last week.

So, up goes the weight again. From 180 to 180.8 lbs. But I had my therapy session on Thursday. More on that later.


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