Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Another Day

I weighed myself just now...185.6. I hope that's monthly bloating, and I didn't do that much damage last week. Even so, It's kind of discouraging, because I worked out on Monday and ate well yesterday (except I didn't eat frequently enough).

But then I "listen' to what I just wrote, and think, what if a client said that to you? I'd say just give it a little time. Consistency is what brings the long-term results. Not semi-gung-ho efforts for two days.

I also spent the entire day at the computer yesterday, trying to get my facebook page for my boot camp set up. I think I kind of did it, but I can't find it. I'm not very good at computer-stuff. It boggles my mind. I have to take breaks and tell myself I'm not stupid, and if other people can figure out how to make these things work, so can I. (Then I look at the help discussion forum on facebook, and realize there are a lot of other people that don't find this easy.)

Anyway, I'm not too discouraged, just determined, now.
And today's another day...

"This is your life... treat yourself right... treat others right... live like you know you should."
(The Newsboys)


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