Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Here we go again...

I'm back! I know I said that a few months ago, but, hey, life happens.

I am more determined than ever to lose this extra weight that I've gained over the past few years.

I got off my medication in June, but it took a while to get off, then took a while to re-adjust to normal human emotions. (I'd been on an anti-depressant for about 18 months).

I weighed myself on Sunday, and I was up to 185 lbs! Immediately the program begins...

I actually had started working out with weights last week, but now, I'm planning every workout and scheduling the time to workout as well.

So far, so good. I worked out with D on Sunday. Then took Monday off. Yesterday I worked out with Cat. And this morning I took a kwando class. (Well, half a kwando class. But considering I felt like leaving after 5 minutes, I think I did OK by hanging in there for a half hour.)

My diet's been kind of all over the place. Holiday weekend, and I spent time with my brother and my sister-in-law, and her sister's family. That meant eating out. But I tried to keep my portions small. (Leftovers!) And I made a specific decision not to drink any calories.

Speaking of drinking calories, I have cut down on my frappes as well. And when I have one, I usually get a medium instead of a large. I haven't had any soda-of any kind- since Feb. 2009. I stopped because I was kind of addicted. And they're SO BAD for you. Not just the sugar. But the carbonation-phosphorus- can cause acidity in the body, which the body tries to neutralize with Calcium....from your bones. Not a good thing.

Have a great Day!

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