Friday, September 9, 2011

Waning motivation

It's funny how I can be all gung-ho one day, then kind of lose my drive the next. The weight is down-183.4 (-1.6#). Yeah! But my eating this week hasn't been good.
It's been very hot here in So Cal. And I don't have an air-conditioner. So, by late afternoon, even with the fans on, it's too hot to cook, or to even think about it. So off I go to: Wed it was McD because I was craving a frappe. And yesterday it was Carl's Jr/Green burrito, because it's cheap.
But why, why why do I do this to sabotage myself?
1. no chicken cooked
2. no meal plans set up, so I have to think of something when I'm "starving"
3. letting myself get to the point of "starving"

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