Wednesday, January 16, 2013


30 Day AB Challenge, Day 2
So far, so good!
I did my AB workout yesterday, and, as small as it was, I am a little sore (yeah!)
This morning, I looked at a couple of the abdominal workouts I'd pinned from Pinterest. They are way too advanced for me right now. One of the workouts I looked at "7 moves for 6-pack abs in 30 days" most of the moves looked so difficult, I don't think I could do any of them without using poor form and hurting myself. (And no, carrying an extra 50 punds, I don't expect to get 6 pack abs any time soon). But that's OK, because now I know where to go for some more advanced moves as I get stronger!

So, here is the workout I did:
modified mountain climbers, 10 reps
seated leg lifts, 10 reps

Here are the exercises:
Mountain Climbers
Start in a push-up position, hands shoulder-width apart, and toes on the ground. Slowly drive one knee to the chest and back down, alternating legs. Maintain a straight back throughout the exercise. To modify to make it easier (this is what I did), elevate your hands, so your body is at an angle. To make the move more challenging, speed up the leg movement, so you're "running in place".

Seated leg lifts
Sit on the edge of a step or bench. Trying to keep your back upright (don't lean back too much), lift your knees up as high as you can. Keep both feet and knees together. You can hang on to the edge of the bench if you need to. Make sure your abdominal muscles are drawn in throughout the exercise, so you're working your transverse abdominus.

 All things are difficult before they are easy                Thomas Fuller

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